Makaurau marae stands in close proximity to the Manukau Harbour, five minutes from the Auckland International Airport. We have a large Area of Interest, with a keen focus on activities happening within our Alert Zone.
From our beginnings, our ancestors have handed down legacies in their pursuit for mana motuhake of Ngaati Te Ahiwaru whaanau.
For over 800 years they have fought for the well being and self determination that enhances the development of our iwi. And to protect the authenticity and integrity in all we do.
Taamaki Makaurau (Auckland) is our mana whenua and Ihumaatao our place of belonging.
Makaurau Marae is our home.

Hoea too waka tapu kia tau atu ki te Puketaapapatanga a Hape Tirotiro kau atu ki ngaa wairere o te Maanukanuka-oo-Hoturoa E uu ana ki te awa Ooruarangi Takatakahi ngoo tapuwae ki te Ihu oo Mataoho Kia tae ake ra ki te Waharoa oo Makaurau Ka tuu te Tupuna a Taamaki Makaurau e powhiri ana Nau Mai, Haere Mai!
“Guide your canoe to rest at the foot of Puketaapapa, Direct your gaze over the head waters of Manukau as they flow into the Ooruarangi.. Traverse across Ihumatao to arrive at the entrance of Makaurau Marae. Here stands the house of our ancestors “Taamaki Makaurau” and we your hosts of Te Waiohua, Te Ahiwaru call to you.. For you…are welcome”

Mana Whenua Engagement
We encourage you to share proposals concerning management and planning that may impact upon natural resources, heritage and our cultural authenticity with us.
Our plans and policies are better communicated kanohi ki te kanohi to appreciate sincere and meaningful engagement for our people.
CONTACT US – TAIAO Environmental Services Kaitiaki / Resource Management
Kowhai Olsen: